Air Support Infrastructures Team own a deep and special knowledge in steady-state and fast-time simulation. Air Support has been providing airspace and airfield simulation modelling services to the aviation industry since the beginning and its modelling staff has accrued extensive combined experience in addressing airspace and airfield problems using simulation modelling as well as analytical techniques. Such approach is extensively used in airport (as well as other transport systems) delay analysis, airport capacity evaluation, route planning, being possible to combine, in a single study effort, the evaluation all several competing factors, such airfield overall layout, taxiway system configuration, aircraft stand allocation, ATC procedures, fleet mix, scheduling, prevailing meteo conditions and many more.
Air Support Simulation Team has designed and built several different analytical tools, but most of its latest studies has been performed using FAA's SIMMOD TM model. A considerable investment in staff resources and training as been made, as well as computer equipment and software to support the modelling team. The availability of multiple models, along with capability to use the best model to address the specific issues at hand, gives Air Support unparalleled flexibility and responsiveness in providing answers to key questions about airport and airspace capacity. Our understanding of air traffic procedures, insightful management of aircraft operations data, expertise in interpreting simulation model outputs, and proven ability in presenting meaningful results are more fruitful than the specific simulation models used for analysis.