Air Support Environmental Planning Team assists airports in meeting legal, regulatory and community requirements and resolving issues that are increasingly important to airport operations and capital development. The group has earned a strong reputation in the domestic market for expertise in airport noise management and air quality. These professional are expert in preparation of Environmental Impact Statements, Environmental Assessments and aircraft noise compliance studies in accordance with national and European standards.
Air Support's understanding of noise problems, associated political implications and extensive work in the field contributes significantly to our ability to assist airport operators in their environmental planning needs. Our success in airport environmental planning is attributable to three factors: experience, resources and personal involvement.
Air Support brings to each job the most complete resources required to properly complete the task at hand. We have developed a series of computerized tools to assist with the complex evaluation of airport and air traffic control actions and land use planning actions. In an effort to better communicate noise- related issues, our experts make extensive use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) which allows for the review, monitoring and evaluation of noise effects vis a vis single or multiple layers of a detailed land use database. The layers may include information such as noise contours, streets, land use types, census information.
In performing noise compatibility planning studies, noise awareness planning and land use monitoring programs, our professionals have a long history of using the FAA’s Integrated Noise Model (INM), the industry standard for developing noise compliance contours maps and completing noise analysis and noise abatement procedures studies.
More recently, many airports have activated noise program and started working with industry representatives and the public in the monitoring and abatement of airport noise impacts. The responsibilities of noise offices usually include the measurement of airport noise levels, forecasting of future noise exposure and complaint compilation/response. Air Support has developed a specific expertise in dealing with noise abatement office tasks, as well as in Airport Noise Monitoring System planning and design.